A downloadable game for Windows

A FRC Driving simulator made in Unity for the FIRST Crescendo game that has driver-station view driving, third-person view driving, and local splitscreen multiplayer. It offers two different robot models: 1690 Orbit, and 930 Mukwonago Bears. It was created as a school project, and I may or may not update it. Please let me know if there is something I should fix, a robot I should add, or something I should implement. Please enjoy!


MoSimulator Version 2.zip 214 MB

Install instructions

Only made for Windows machines currently. Contains some complex meshes and might lag or crash if your GPU isn't on or being used.


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open source?


This game is great! I like how there is a button to activate the amplification. Maybe you should add a button to drop a note from the source?

could you add the 3476 robot it looks really cool

I don't think their CAD has been released? I may be wrong though.


I'm using an Xbox One Controller and it doesn't work.


Yeah Unity seems to not support certain controllers for reasons unknown to me. Not sure exactly how I can fix that.

Tried with xbox one, xbox 360, and ps4. The controllers do "work" but the translation and rotation on the axis doesn't work.
This was not an issue with the v1 beta version and the controllers do work there but not on the latest version.

Try going into the settings menu and upping the rotation and movement speed sliders, and see if that helps fix the axis not working.

Yup that fixed it, guess it defaults to 0 then.

try to use steam to start the game to use the “fake controller” function